Autumn Clean Up



A smoky remnant still remains from the burning embers left of the autumnal leaves and downed branches.

My lawn, the trees and shrubs including the landscaping, all need cleaning so we did, we started to clean up the debris.

I gathered up all the downed branches, I raked the leaves, picked up the stuff and put it all into a pile and started a roaring fire.

We fell into a pattern of life, she wore her pants tight.

We had ourselves a great little time to see the fire, it was a great big fire and warm. A nice little time we spent together, working together, myself watching her.

I’m seeing her like this, we’re having fun. I like to observe her sporting such tasks, where she actually enjoys her yard work. I love to watch her.

I felt warm of the fire. The sun was upon us that day. The smoke and ashes have been emitting a fragrance, a natural smell of the Earth, this from the fallen autumnal leaves and downed branches, the Oaks and the Maples, it all alighted to our wonder at home together. A homeowner needs to do his chores. I’m here for about two weeks, so why not. Now is the time to be alone together just her and I.


“Yes Darling, what is it, ” Doreen ask me.

“Will you get on top of my shoulders this morning,” I ask her. “Yes, I’ll stand atop your shoulders,” was Doreen’s reply.

Close to nature, the way things happen sheltering their own two feet. Olive trees were their best choices for a fun turn around.

Shaking the olive branches where she could, to reach them standing on top of my shoulders, I couldn’t help but to look up.


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